Many thanks to My Notting Hill , a great blog on its own, for nominating me for an Arte Y Pico award. Having last won a blue ribbon in the twelve and under swim relay at summer camp; that was nine years ago; this comes as a great surprise. From what I garner about the the reward, we are all winners from around the world in all different languages and cultures. This makes it all the more gratifying, as my love are different languages and cultures. I would be remiss in not forwarding the information about the award and nominating my five favorite blogs. And so.. The nominations for Arte Y Pico 2008, from this blogger to the next are!!!
Whoa, I forgot the rules.
1. Pick 5 blogs that deserve the award for creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her/him the award itself.
4. The Award winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of Arte Y Pico blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. To show these rules.
Okay, I may break the rules a touch in that my favorite blogs may not be created by an individual. I'm coming to understand that creating a blog that reaches many people may need more than one person to keep up with the beast that requires continual feeding. Lastly, I not even sure these sites would fit the definition of a blog but then we are so young. So here goes..
1. Cote De Texas. For her amazing insight ,expertise and incredible output. I get tired just thinking about the amount of work she accomplishes.
2. The Peak of Chic. Consummate good taste, and always something to read. Don't know how it's done.
3. Arts and Letters Daily. Probably not a blog but close enough.
4.Chocolate And Zucchini. I have to include a food site! And, she did start off as a blog. See, blogs can take you places you never imagined.
5. Video Jug. A great video site for " How do I do that." I use it all the time.
I left out so many and apologize.
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5 weeks ago
Thanks Homer! I'm flattered and humbled!!!! I'll add this to my next blog - thanks again! Has it really been only 9 years since you were 12???!!!???
Thanks for the lovely mention. Off to check out some new blogs!
Homer- Thank you! It's an honor coming from you, and it looks like I'm in good company. Thank you!!!
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